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HomeVoter Basics
Why it Matters

Voting is a sacred right in our democracy. The leaders we elect make decisions that affect our daily lives. Elections are our chance to stand up for what matters most to us and to have an impact on the issues that affect us, our communities, our families and our future.




What We’re Doing

We fight to protect the rights of eligible voters and expand access for those who've been left out of our democratic process. Our volunteers spearhead efforts to enact common-sense voting reforms and we are the first to fight back when voters' rights are threatened. We protect millions of voters every year through aggressive advocacy and education efforts, and we have been at the forefront of major voting rights court cases over the last decade. 

We work to ensure and safeguard our constitutional right to vote by:


  • Educating the public on candidates and issues through candidate forums and the League’s Vote411 website.

  • Facilitating Voter Registration Events at a variety of locations.

  • Interacting with the public and providing service by working at the polls on Election Day.  

Together, through our League’s voter services activities,
we work to
empower voters and
protect and strengthen our democracy.


Wisconsin Has Open Primaries

This means that voters don't register with a party to vote in the primary election. Voters choose which party's primary they want to vote in when completing their ballot.

What's On The Ballot

When voting in the primary, you will need to choose a party and can only vote for candidates in that one party. If you vote for candidates in multiple parties, your votes will not count.

What If I Make A Mistake?

Carefully read the instructions on your ballot. Double-check your ballot to makes sure you completed it correctly. Call your clerk to get a replacement ballot, if you make a mistake on an Absentee Ballot. If in person, bring your spoiled ballot back to the people with the poll books and they will take the spoiled ballot, tear it, and issue you a new one. 

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