Why It Matters

Now more than ever, our community needs young people who want to be a part of the solution to the challenges we face. Their future depends on it.
Every day brings renewed debate about our democracy, the environment, the economy, racial equity, the fate of healthcare and education, and our place in the world. Too often lost in the shuffle of partisan politics is that each one of us has an equal say in influencing our future.
Where and How to Vote

Check if and where you are registered to vote?
First, make sure you’re registered to vote at the right place. To see if/where you are registered, go to myvote.wi.gov
What if I’m going to college and want to vote using my home address?
If you are a registered Wisconsin voter, go to myvote.wi.gov and click on “Vote Absentee.” Follow the prompts and enter your college mailing address. You will be sent a ballot with a return envelope, postage paid.
You must request this before 5 days prior to the election and return it before Election Day. We recommend making the request well in advance.
What if I want to vote using my school address?
You need to have lived at your current address for 28 days before Election Day to register and vote in that election district or ward.