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About The League of Women Voters

We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate. We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.


The League is proud to be nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties at any level of government, but always working on vital issues of concern to members and the public.

The League of Women Voters of Ozaukee County encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

History of the League

Ozaukee & Washington Counties

The formation of the League of Women Voters of Ozaukee County began in February 1954 with a group of active and dedicated Ozaukee County women. With support and encouragement from the Milwaukee League of Women Voters, “Provisional League” status was granted on March 17, 1957. 


To achieve full-league status, certain conditions were required: researching a “Know Your Town” study; conducting a finance drive; completing a voters’ service project; and facilitating a program study, with the first topic being a discussion of civil liberties. The League of Women Voters of Ozaukee County was granted full League status on March 18, 1958.

In June of 2023, our local League officially expanded into Washington County. We continue to grow quickly with our actively dedicated members.  

State and Regional

The League of Women Voters Wisconsin (LWVWI) operates on the state level with leadership from the League of Women Voters United States (LWVUS) and grassroots support from the 20 local Leagues in Wisconsin.


In some areas, local Leagues have formed Inter-League organizations to address regional concerns. The League of Women Voters Ozaukee (LWVOZ) Inter-League affiliation is the League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region (LWVLMR).


The League of Women Voters was founded in 1920 to help 20 million women carry out their new responsibilities as voters. From the beginning, the League was an activist, grassroots organization whose leaders fought to improve our systems of government and to impact public policy through education and advocacy.

It was then, and is now, a nonpartisan organization. League founders believed that maintaining a nonpartisan stance would protect the fledgling organization from becoming mired in the party politics of the day.

The League of Women Voters is organized to parallel the three levels of government: local, state, and national. At each level, the League is governed by a volunteer president and board of directors.


For a more complete history of the LWV, go to


Donna Fowler and Guests

Annual Member Meeting

LWV Holsey event 023

Martha Watts & Christy Schwan at Indigenous Women DEI Event

Donna Fowler and Guests

Earth Day Celebration

What will the next 100 years hold?

The League of Women Voters has evolved from a mighty political experiment designed to help 20 million newly enfranchised women vote in 1920, to a nonpartisan organization that is a recognized force in molding political leaders, shaping public policy, and promoting informed civic participation. 

Join our Ozaukee & Washington Counties League today-together we will create our next 100 years!

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