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HomeVoter Rights

Why It Matters

Voting is a fundamental principle, and all Americans deserve the equal opportunity to make their voices heard in our democracy. We are dedicated to using advocacy, litigation, and resources like VOTE411 to include more voters, expand and protect
voter access, and ensure that elections remain fair and accessible. 

What We’re Doing

Expanding Voter Access

We fight to increase voters’ access to the polls, including expanding early voting and automatic and online voter registration. 


Redistricting, or community districting, is the process of creating representational district maps for states and local communities. By determining which neighborhoods are included in each mapped boundary, redistricting impacts how our communities are represented in the US and local government and determines how resources are distributed.

Money in Politics

We work to ensure that our government serves the people, not wealthy special interests, by promoting transparency, limiting SuperPACs, and eliminating dark money. 

Fighting Voter Suppression

We protect every American’s right to vote, challenging those who seek to restrict Black, brown, female, disabled, and other Americans from making their voices heard in our democracy. Check out LWV Wisconsin's 
All Voting Is Local de

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