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HomeElection Observers & Poll Workers

Election Observer

For the 2022 elections, we are focusing the Election Observation Program in the following areas:

  1. ensure there is no disenfranchisement
  2. monitor the voter experience - including registration and showing ID
  3. monitor the absentee ballot counting process
  4. track any problems that can be fixed for future elections

Help the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin monitor Wisconsin's elections. We are seeking volunteers to be trained as Election Observers and placed in polling places in specific areas around the state. We provide training, assign volunteers polling place(s) to observe, and provide volunteers with a reporting form to record their observations. We will do our best to assign you to a location near your home. You don't need to be a League member to volunteer for this -- although we'd love to have you join us! 

Requirements: You'll need to be available to volunteer for a minimum of 2 hours on Election Day. Election observers will also need a cell phone to use while volunteering and have their own transportation to and from their assigned polling location. There are also opportunities to be a "roving" observer and observe at multiple polling sites. Rovers need to be available to volunteer for at least 4 hours on Election Day.

Training Information: We conduct our election observer training via online webinar. 

Learn more about our Election Observation Program here. If you have questions about this volunteer opportunity contact our Voter Education Manager,

Contact Eileen Newcomer

Upcoming elections we're observing:

  • November 8, 2022 


Become a Poll Worker

All municipalities need poll workers. To volunteer or apply for a paid poll worker position in your area, contact your municipal clerk. Your municipal clerk contact information can be found at


For answers to frequently asked questions about becoming a poll worker, visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission website.

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